annual underwater pumpkin carving contest and afternoon oktoberfest @ Tyler State Park

Annual Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest 
and Afternoon Oktoberfeast 
Saturday, Oct. 19, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. 
Tyler State Park
Please join us for this highly entertaining annual event that’s sure to get you into the fall spirit.

Underwater pumpkin carving starts around noon. Then, around 3 p.m., we’ll have our ever-popular Bavarian-style feast, followed by carving judging and awarding of prizes.

We’re back at Tyler State Park. We’ll be at the day-use area left of the swim beach. Look for our bright yellow club banners, T-shirts and signs.

Activities start before noon as contestants bring their pre-cleaned, gutted pumpkin to the event area (by the banners, signs, etc.). Clean your pumpkin at home! Then everyone – divers and spectators – will move to the sandy swim beach area to gear up for the noon dive.

Theme: Nightmare Before Christmas


  • Open — (Accessories allowed; must be assembled and attached to the pumpkin before surfacing)
  • Old school (No props – just the pumpkin)


Start gearing up at 11 a.m. The underwater fun begins at noon. Contestants have one hour to create their masterpiece carving while underwater. Prizes will be awarded for winning pumpkins.

Cost: The event is FREE for Scubadillo members, $10 per guest. If you’re not yet a member, no worries. You can join using our online form: https://scubadillos.givingfuel.com/scubadillo-dive-club. (This ensures your free entry at our Chili Cookoff and Christmas party, too.) Park fee is $6 per person.

  • Most important: Please don’t cut yourself or your buddy.
  • Prepare for water temps in the upper 70s.
  • Bring your own pumpkin. Bring a three-pound weight to keep it down.
  • Bring carving utensils.
  • Bring a mesh bag for the carved-out chunks to bring them back to the surface. No underwater littering.
  • Your pumpkin MUST NOT be carved (only gutted) before getting into the water.
  • No drawing or mark-ups on your pumpkin in advance.
  • No stencils.
  • If you’re using props, they must be attached to your pumpkin before surfacing.
  • You have ONE HOUR to carve your masterpiece.
  • One prize per pumpkin. You and your buddy can bring down two pumpkins to be judged individually OR you and your buddy can work on one pumpkin for one prize.
  • Bring a light or candle to illuminate your pumpkin after the dive.

Scubadillo Oktoberfeast starts around 3 p.m.

**We need an accurate headcount to help us plan on food and prizes. By Tuesday, Oct. 15, please RSVP HERE, on our food sign-up sheet.**

Scubadillos will provide the grilled brats, buns, red cabbage and sauerkraut.

Please bring a side dish or dessert to share with everyone (preferably in the theme of Oktoberfest, but anything food-related is welcome). Let us know what you are bringing by adding to the food sign-up sheet above.

Plan to hang out for a while after our meal and the pumpkin-judging to socialize, tell stories, laugh at the goofy carved pumpkins, take pics, etc.


  • Please RSVP by Tuesday, Oct. 15. This helps us ensure we have plenty of brats!!!
  • Remember to bring camp chairs for everyone in your group.
  • Bring sunshades, sunblock, hats.
  • Bring your beverage of choice (be discreet if you have “adult” beverages).
  • Tyler is about 90 miles east of Dallas just north of I-20. That’s a 1.5 to 2-hour drive for some of you. A day trip? Sure. Some Dillos plan to camp out at the park for the night or stay at a local hotel. Each campsite is allowed two tents, so there can be some sharing of campsites.

Knives out! (for the carving) and Fins Up!

annual underwater pumpkin carving contest and afternoon oktoberfest @ Tyler State Park Read More »

annual underwater pumpkin carving contest and afternoon oktoberfest

Annual Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest
and Afternoon Oktoberfest
When: Oct 14, 2023
Where: Tyler State Park, Tyler Texas
Cost: The event is FREE for Scubadillo members. Membership available, check website. Park entry fee is $6 per person.

Please join us for this highly entertaining annual event that’s sure to get you into the fall spirit.

Underwater pumpkin carving starts around noon. Then around 3 p.m., we’ll have our ever-popular Bavarian-style feast, followed by carving judging, awarding of prizes.

We’re back at Tyler State Park. We’ll meet at the day-use area past the swim beach. Look for our bright yellow club banners and signs.

Activities start before noon as contestants bring their pre-cleaned, gutted pumpkin to the event area (by the banners, signs, etc.). Clean your pumpkin at home! Then everyone – divers and spectators – will move to the sandy swim beach area to gear up for the noon dive.

This year’s theme: “Barbieheimer”
Categories: Open category (accessories allowed – have to be assembled before surfacing)
Old-school (No accessories – just the pumpkin)

Start gearing up at 11 a.m. The underwater fun begins at noon. Contestants have one hour to create their masterpiece carving while underwater. Prizes will be awarded for winning pumpkins.

Cost: The event is FREE for Scubadillo members. Membership available, check website. Park entry fee is $6 per person.

Most important: please don’t cut yourself or your buddy.
Prepare for water temps in the upper 70s.
Bring your own pumpkin. Bring a three-pound weight to keep it down.
Bring carving utensils.
Bring a mesh bag for the carved-out chunks to bring them back to the surface. No underwater littering.
Your pumpkin MUST NOT be carved (only gutted) before getting into the water.
No drawing or mark-ups on your pumpkin in advance.
No stencils.
If you’re using props, they must be attached to your pumpkin before you surface.
You have ONE HOUR to carve your masterpiece.
This year’s theme: “Barbieheimer”
Categories: 1) Open category (accessories allowed – have to be assembled before surfacing)
2) Old-school (No accessories – just the pumpkin)
1st and 2nd place for each category. You and your buddy can bring down two pumpkins to be judged individually OR you and your buddy can work on one pumpkin for one prize.
Bring a light or candle to illuminate your pumpkin after the dive.
We need an accurate headcount to help us plan on food and prizes for those of you who plan to participate. Please RSVP on our Facebook page by Wednesday, Oct. 11.

Scubadillo Oktoberfest starts around 3 p.m.

After carving we’ll gather at the day-use area. We’ll provide the grilled brats, buns, red cabbage, sauerkraut and German potato salad.

Please bring a side dish or dessert to share with everyone (preferably in the theme of Oktoberfest, but anything food-related is welcome). Let us know what you are bringing by adding to our menu here.

Plan to hang out for a while after our meal and the pumpkin-judging to socialize, tell stories, laugh at the goofy carved pumpkins, take pics, etc.

PLEASE RSVP on our Facebook page or here by Wednesday by Oct. 11. This helps us ensure we have plenty of brats!!!
Remember to bring comfy camp chairs for everyone in your group.
Bring sunshades, sunblock, hats.
Bring your beverage of choice.
Tyler is about 90 miles east of Dallas just north of I-20. That’s a 1.5 to 2-hour drive for some of you. A day trip? Sure. Some Dillos plan to camp out at the park for the night or stay at a local hotel. Check daily for cancelled camp sites if they are full.
Let us know what you are bringing by adding to our menu
Side dish signup sheet Pumpkin dive Oct

annual underwater pumpkin carving contest and afternoon oktoberfest Read More »