athens scuba park for our september dillo dive trip

Pack your bags, we’re headed to Athens for our September Dillo dive trip! Well, OK, it’s Athens, TEXAS. Not quite as exciting as a trip to Greece, but we’ll experience a scavenger hunt. Yes, it’s an opportunity to win excellent prizes, like a computer, a regulator, wet suit, t-shirt, and other dive-related goodies. Not too shabby, eh?

This challenging hunt is an Athens Scuba Park event. Something they do a few times a year. We just happened to schedule our September dive on the same day. Who knew?

Dillo member, Andrea Daniel, has reserved shady Pavilion 7 for us. She’s done this hunt a few times and knows the secrets, so hit her up for a few tips. The park has an air fill station and provides some gear rental. Check out their website for more info, including address and directions: The hunt is 11 to 2. Park entry is $25 per person (their rule, not ours.) Find golf balls and win a prize. NOTE: There’s a pre-dive meeting at 10:30. They’ll brief all the divers about the rules, logistics, timing, etc. You don’t have to be at the meeting, but it’ll be helpful. Try to arrive early so you can tune in.

As usual, we’ll provide lunch for paid members. If non-members join us, that’s great! We welcome you, we just ask that you pay $10 if you plan to join us for lunch. (As we like to say: Membership has its benefits.) IMPORTANT: let us know you’ll attend. That goes for EVERYONE. We don’t know how much food to bring if you don’t tell us. We monitor our Facebook Group and Meetup for RSVPs. If you haven’t responded there, please send an email to Mona Valentine ( to let her know you’ll be attending.

– a camp chair
– a tarp to spread out your gear. Or a folding table
– a side dish or chips, fruit, dessert, etc. (optional and appreciated)
– your smiling face!

We’ll have a great time and I’m sure we’ll share some fun stories about how the heck you found your golf balls in a LOW-vis setting. 😉

See y’all Saturday!

athens scuba park for our september dillo dive trip Read More »