******Underwater Easter Egg Hunt *******

FUN!!! FUN !!! FUN!!! It’s that time of year again. The Dillos open their outdoor diving season with The Annual UNDERWATER Easter Egg Hunt.

Eggs will be suspended from bottom, so it will be easy to see. It will be at Tyler State Park which is close enough for those who want to “day-trip” it.

Fees: Normal Park Entrance Fee. “MUST SHOW C-CARD IF YOU DIVE”

Meal and Hunt *FREE* to PAID Dillo Members.

Schedule: 11:30ish – Lunch at the “Day Use” **Picnic area south of the swimming area**. Drive to swim area and keep going. We will be on the right. Look for Dillo sign. (We will have water). Also bring a side dish if possible.
1:00pm – staging at the Swimming Area, 2:00pm – the Hunt is On!!!

**Allot of nice prizes for participants*** For more information go to Scubadillo Dive Club and click on underwater egg hunt. Look at previous years pictures to get an idea of the fun.

We should have 6-10 ft vis., eggs will be floating on a string from bottom (easy to find) at about 8-15 foot, 3 mil wet suit or thicker. Depends on how hardy you are. Bottom time is about 30min. SEE YOU THERE!!!

******Underwater Easter Egg Hunt ******* Read More »